Friday, October 17, 2008


I was just feeling like the boss lady running the King house deserved a little blog spotlight.  Baysil is now 9 months old and quite the mover and the groover.  She likes to dance (or bounce) to all types of music and enjoys standing on her own, chirping like a bird and taking baths.. please enjoy!


Fern said...

Bay is looking pretty darn cute. She looks completely different in that 4th pic (no, I don't mean she doesn't look cute...She's cute just a different cut than the other ones). She looks like she's getting so old! Almost like a 1yr old. Not to mention all of that hair! Are all babies supposed to have that?

Mama P said...

Thank you for the pictures!! I sure do miss my mornings with happy Bay!but I do seem to be getting more things done lately.

Jenna and Scott said...

So cute! I think for sure she is the cutest baby girl ever!

Kindsay and Erik said...

Kassey please put more pictures up of you and that cute baby of yours. I miss you guys :)